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  • Akane Kibune

Nijugo Bosatu Oneri Kuyo Daihoe (A Procession by 25 Bodhisattva)

Under the cloudless blue sky, Nijugo Bosatsu Oneri Kuyo Daihoe (二十五菩薩お練り供養大法会, A Procession by 25 Bodhisattva) was held at Sokujoin (即成院) temple in the Higashiyama (東山) district on October 22. The procession reproduces 25 Bodhisattva guiding deceased people to Gokurakujodo (極楽浄土, pure land, heaven).

On the premises, a wooden bridge with the length of 60 meters is built, connecting the Hondoh (本堂,

the main hall) and the Jizodoh (地蔵堂, a sub building), which represent the pure land and the real life. As the sutra recitation begins, bodhisattva in gorgeous clothes with golden masks on their faces slowly cross the bridge. It is a mystic and magnificent view...

The visitors were earnestly worshiping the procession with folded hands. That was a very impressive scenery. Please try next year!

Akane Kibune

Kyoto Expert Certification 1st Grade


10 mins. from Sennyujimichi, kyoto city bus




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