The other day, I visited Genko-an and Koetsu-ji in Takagamine district. As for Genko-an, I’ve already introduced on my previous blog. This time I’d like to talk about Koetsu-ji temple just briefly.
According to “Hon-ami-gyojyo-ki (The Life Story of Hon ami)”, the land of current Koetsu-ji temple was given to Hon ami Koetsu, an artist of Edo era, by Yieyasu Tokugawa, the ruling shogun of the time. Hon ami bulit a small hut as well as a hall called Hokke Daimoku Do in this land. Members of Koetsu clan and masters of various kinds of craftworks gradually gathered and moved into this land forming an artists’ community. After Koetsu’s death, his residence became a temple. In its premises, there are gravestone of Hon ami, as well as seven tea houses.

A stone-paved path surrounded by greenery invites you into the temple…

What a magnificent bell under the straw roof!

Tea house called “Sanba-tei".