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Seiryuue Festival at Kiyomizu Temple


Seiryu-e is the Festival of Kiyomizu Temple held in Autumn and Spring.

As you know, Kyoto is protected by four mythical symbols in four directions - the North protected by the Black Tortoise, the South by the Red Bird Phoenix, the East by the Seiryu Dragon, and the West by the White Tiger Kirin.

The temples are dedicated to the four symbols, and Kiyomizu Temple is the temple dedicated to Seiryu Dragon.

Seiryu Dragon is revered for watching over Kyoto to protect the people from misfortune.

The festival features a dance with great costumes snake through the neighborhood.

青龍会についての詳細:清水寺門前会Webページ 清水寺HP: 「清水寺 青龍会(せいりゅうえ)」 【日時】9月14日と9月15日の両日 14:00-15:30 【料金】大人(高校生以上)400円、小中学生200円 (清水寺拝観料) 【アクセス】市バス「清水道」「五条坂」から徒歩約10分      (夢館本社前バス停、市バス80系統「祇園・四条河原町行き」に乗車がおすすめ)




Kyoto Karasuma Gojo Tourist Information Center (in Kyoto Kimono Rental Yumeyakata)


〒600-8103 京都府京都市下京区塩竈町353

353, Shiogamacho, Shimogyo-Ku, Kyoto City
TEL:075-354-8515(country code+81)

Daily from 10:00 to 17:30

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