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  • 京都検定一級スタッフのマニアック京都案内

Visit to places associated with Sanada Yukimura

Are you seeing NHK long-ruuning TV drama “Sanadamaru”? It is the story of “Snada Yukimura”, a legendary warrior in the Warring States period. Since I like Japanese history, I felt excited by walking aroud the site of a hard-fought battle during the Siege of Osaka. After the tour of Osaka Castle, I visited “Sanko shrine” which is said to have been thelocation of the Sanada Maru. There are the statue of Yukimura and a secret passage to Osaka castle. It is the sacred place for fans of Yukimura. At “Yasui shrine” which is the place of Yukimura's death in battle,

I found a lot of his fan placing their hands together. I look forward to seeing the TV drama of Yukimura who terrified

“Tokugawa Ieyasu” most.



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