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“Do you know?” by Beniko, a former maiko

Speaking of Kyoto, “Maiko-san” appears in line with the World Heritage sites including Kiyomizu-dera Temple and Kinkakuji Temple. Though maiko appears in drama or movie, in fact most Japanese people don’t have the knowledge of maiko. They are greatly interested in Kyoto dialect, costumes and makeup of maiko! We will introduce pleasant stories by Beniko, a former maiko.

Profile プロフィール

紅子 / Beniko

How do you do?

I am Beniko, a former maiko, and a staff of YUMEYAKATA Information Center.

I started the practice of Japanese dance at the age of six and debuted as maiko at the age of 15.


When I was  maiko or geiko, I participated in overseas events as a representative of Kyoto, and paraded in the Jidai festival, and sometimes appeared as an extra in the history drama.

I experienced various things.


Now, I retired. I have been giving the guide of Kyoto to the customers who come to do their sightseeing.


In my blog I’ll introduce the inside story of maiko, story only in Kyoto, nice spots  of high value, and the story of overseas business trip full of incident.


Please look forward to stories. Well, thank you for your cooperation.

Kyoto Karasuma Gojo Tourist Information Center (in Kyoto Kimono Rental Yumeyakata)


〒600-8103 京都府京都市下京区塩竈町353

353, Shiogamacho, Shimogyo-Ku, Kyoto City
TEL:075-354-8515(country code+81)

Daily from 10:00 to 17:30

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